Oasis Acupuncture Medicine is the acupuncture and Chinese Medicine clinic owned by Joan Strawson, M.Ac, L.Ac. At Oasis Acupunctue Medicine, we believe that you are already whole and complete; you already have everything you need to thrive in life. You are your own best medicine and your own best care provider. Our job as healers is to help you believe this and guide you on your path to wellness.
Acupuncture, the insertion of solid thin needles, is rooted in a philosophy of nature and Chinese wisdom. Because of this philosophy, the way you work with an acupuncturist and the outcomes of treatment may be different from what you may have experienced with Western medical providers. Below are some differences you may notice:
We will Listen to You. We will have conversations about your life to learn how you got to this point and how you want to design your future.
We will Show you how to Become a Better Observer of Yourself. Symptoms and illness are often messages from deeper in the body, mind, or spirit. Over time, you will learn how to listen to these symptoms and to recognize them before they become more severe. You will learn that you have the power to change the course of the symptoms.
We will be your Partner in Creating Changes in your Life. Acupuncture as a medicine moves energy both in our bodies and our lives. Movement creates change; change requires courage. I will give you courage when you feel resistance, encounter obstacles, feel ambivalence. Together we will create practices that support your self-care and keep you moving on your path to wellness.
At Oasis Acupuncture Medicine, we have a special interest in treating chronic pain, acute sports injuries and performance anxiety in competitive athletes. We are also dedicated to helping women find relief from symptoms of menopause. However, this medicine is amazing in so many ways. If you want to create change, we can help you.
---------------- Header Photo credit to: Judy Rosenfeld ----------------
My mission is to create a tranquil space, an Oasis, where you can find relief from chronic pain, anxiety, or the stress of your life. Through my personal experiences, I have learned that the body is wise and will move toward healing if given a chance. However, the body needs help to get the energy moving again. I am your help!