Now available: Oasis Animal Acupuncture. Joan Strawson is now a Board Certified Animal Acupuncturist, a Fellow of the American Board of Animal Acupuncture and licensed in Maryland to animals. Currently scheduling appointments for dogs, cats, horses.
The State of Maryland is the only state which recognizes that licensed acupuncturists are the most qualified practitioners to offer acupuncture and Chinese medicine to people AND animals. Acupuncture is meant to complement, not replace, traditional veterinary care, and works especially well for conditions for which Western veterinary medicine doesn’t have many options. Animals must be seen by their veterinarian for an exam within the 2 weeks prior to their first acupuncture treatment. A copy of your veterinary receipt will be needed on the day of your first visit. This is required by Maryland law. Acupuncture has been used to successfully treat animals for over 3,000 years. Animals who receive ongoing acupuncture treatments are sick less often and have an improved overall well-being. They also show a quicker recovery time from injury, illness, and surgery. The acupuncture needles are thin, stainless steel, sterilized, prepackaged, and disposed of after each use. The side effects of acupuncture are rare and most animals become very relaxed during treatment and enjoy coming for their sessions.
Acupuncture for your companion pet can offer the same things that it offers people. It is very effective in treating
Back and spinal problems
Behavioral problems,
Dermatological Issues
Digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea and vomitting
Fertility problems
Musculoskeletal issues such as hip pain/dysplasia and lameness
Neurological disorders
Recovery from injuries and surgeries
Respiratory Problems
Urinary Disorders
Chronic kidney disease
Appointments are available for house/barn calls or office visits in both the Frederick and Smithsburg locations.