Does acupuncture involve a big time commitment? Most of our patients are able to get great results with once-weekly visits. We can discuss this in more detail at your free consultation.
How do I know my symptoms won't come back? We coach you so you will recognize early signs of symptoms and develop a plan for follow up assistance. In addition, we work with you to develop a program of home care to keep you fit and symptom free.
Does acupuncture hurt? Acupuncture needles are solid and about the thickness of a hair; 30 acupuncture needles can fit in a typical hollow hypodermic needle. There is almost no sensation when the needles are inserted - occasionally, people feel a slight pinch similar to a bug bite. Sometimes, when the needle reaches the pool of energy at the site of insertion, people will feel a brief sensation similar to a dull ache or an electrical "zing". This sensation goes away in a few seconds. If is does not, be sure to tell your practitioner, who will either remove or reposition the needle.
Fear of needles is the most common reason that people avoid trying acupuncture. Don't worry - we have lots of experience with needle fear and can promise we will make your acupuncture experience painless and relaxing!
Will I have to keep coming forever? Most patients experience a lessening of their symptoms within a few weeks of weekly treatments. After that, many choose to come in for regular maintenance visits. But, our goal is to get you to where you no longer need treatment and will be so happy with your results you’ll send us all your friends and family.
How do I know it’s safe? Acupuncture has been practiced safely for centuries, and in the hands of an experienced practitioner is virtually risk-free. In addition, we use sterile, single-use, disposable needles as required by law.
Is natural medicine REALLY powerful enough to stop my symptoms? Natural medicine actually helps your body make more of its own medicine, which is more powerful and potent than any man-made medicine.
How long does it take to see results? People often feel a shift after the very first treatment. Acupuncture is a very powerful way to stimulate endorphin release, which is the most powerful relaxing substance the body makes. However, the effects of acupuncture are cumulative and sometimes it takes several treatments to see lasting results. We recommend that you try 6-10 treatments before concluding that acupuncture is not helping your condition.
Are there side-effects? Generally, there are no side-effects, other than occasional mild bruising (this rarely happens). There are, however, many positive side-effects including increased relaxation, better sleep, and a more positive attitude and outlook.
Will I bleed? The acupuncture needles do not cause any bleeding whatsoever. Occasionally a drop of blood will appear at the insertion site, upon removal of the needles, and this is easily cleaned with a simple cotton swab.
Is there any risk of infection? As per federal regulations, all our needles are sterile, single-use, and disposable. There is no risk of getting an infection from the needles. If you have an immune or other condition we should know about, we’ll make sure to cover that with you before treatment.
What happens at the first appointment? The first appointment usually last about 2 hours. Before your first appointment, you will have completed medical history and consent forms and we may have already discussed your case at a free consultation. So at your first appointment, we will continue conversations about your life to learn how you got to this point and how you want to design your future. We may ask you strange questions that seem to have no relationship to your current condition, as in "what is your favorite color?" Your answers to these questions will provide valuable information on how qi moves in you and help us develop a treatment plan.
Then, we will do a short physical exam. Your practitioner will always feel your pulses and look at your tongue. She may press on some acupuncture points to evaluate what systems are out of balance in you. She may feel areas of pain for heat and swelling, and she may perform some simple orthopedic evaluations.
After the physical exam, we will do your first treatment. We will insert needles, dim the lights, turn on some peaceful music, and let you rest for about 20 minutes. And don't worry - we don't mind if you snore!